Friday, November 6, 2009

Thank- Yous Cont'd

A Formal thank you is written. Here are some basic guidelines for how to make a formal thank you meaningful, personal, and a little bit different. In most cases, the advice for one kind of event will be applicable to all formal thank yous.

Weddings And Anniversary Parties

Favors. While a favor does not replace a formal thank you note, it is considered a special way of thanking guests for attending. A favor at the place setting can be as unique and individualized as you would like. Some popular ones include candy, candles, soaps/lotions, or specialty items that go with the event theme.

Share a memory. Writing hundreds of thank you notes can become very tiring. Try to make the process more interesting and personal by including a memory or thought specific to that person. It can be from the event or from a different time in your life, but let them know they are not receiving a form letter. Make it specific to them. For example, "On this emotional day, it was such a comfort to look over and see the two of you holding hands. Your 40 years of marriage inspired me on my wedding day and will continue to inspire me for many years to come."

Be open. After attending a special moment in some one's life, the attendees are usually very excited to hear how the time was viewed through the person's eyes. Include in your thank you note just a few lines about what made the day special for you and how you will look back on the memories. For example, "We feel so blessed by the people who supported us on our wedding day; it was an honor to walk down the aisle surrounded by the love and support of our family and friends. I will always treasure the moment I walked into the church and saw the congregation stand to honor the beginning of our life together.

Art Of The Oral Thank You

Stop other activities. When offering an oral thank you in a formal setting, always be sure to stop all else and give your full attention to the person you are thanking. This shows them that they are valued and that you are thinking through, and therefore meaning, your words. Even in the middle of a crowded event, you can have a meaningful moment if you stop what you are doing to focus on the person to who you are grateful.

Explain why you are grateful. Do not settle for a simple thank you statement; take a moment to explain to the person why you are thanking them and what difference their actions have made. Giving people your full attention and truly taking the time to let them know what they have done and why you are so grateful gives others a sense of how much they have meant to you.

Touch and eye contact. When thanking someone in person, always make eye contact. Sometimes a formal, oral thank you can make you feel uncomfortable , especially if you are not used to it, but always maintain eye contact so as to let the other person know you are both serious and sincere. In addition, when appropriate, an oral thank you can come with a hug or pat on the back to show your appreciation.

Be honest. It does no one good to exaggerate some one's meaning or contribution to your event. Be honest, acknowledge some one's presence, and thank them appropriately. A sincere thank you that truthfully represents a person's meaning in your life will resonate much more deeply than an exaggerated thank you both parties know is false.

Graduation And Other Milestone Events

Acknowledge the giver's attendance and gift. A formal written thank you should include a specific acknowledgement of some one's presence at the event and a specific acknowledgement of their gift. For example, "It meant a great deal to me that you were in the audience at my graduation ceremony: your support has always been very important to me. I would also like to thank you for_________, which will be of great use to me as I enter this new stage of life."

Send it promptly. Formal thank you notes should be in the mail no more than two weeks after an event. One way to keep to this guideline is to determine that you will not use any gift until you have sent a formal thank you for it. This will motivate you to get those thank you notes out in the mail.

Mingle. While this may not seem like a formal thank you, it is an imperative part of a formal occasion. Speaking to a guest and orally thanking them does not replace a written thank you, but is shows each person that you are pleased they could join you and that you value their presence. Avoid sticking to those people you know best, and instead make sure you circulate an speak to each guest, making everyone feel welcome. It will also ensure that you have a moment to reference later in the written thank you note.

Cont'd Communion, Baptist And Other Religious Events

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